Border Collie swimming after wildgeese

Factoring it all in, Wild Goose Control with Border Collies

It is impossible to answer the question, “how successful will your goose control service be on my property.” Wildlife is unpredictable and there is a lot out of your or my control. All I can say is, “we are usually successful.”But do “you” want to have no geese or are some ok?” Of course, you can decide if you care to see the geese alive or dead, unharmed? But then, if you don’t want the geese trained to stay away, for the most part, with Border Collies, if you would rather see those” winged rats dead.” But I can point to one case at a large property where it appears that we are far more successful than nearby major properties that use firearms. And I don’t really know why that is. Maybe it’s just that going way way back, geese “fear” or at least worry about being hunted by predators. The Border Collies herding them are “make-believe” predators, you could say. Dogs parading about parks and ball fields on leashes, not such a worry, in the goose mind. But, but, you must realize that dogs regularly around the pesky geese on your property not worrying the geese is indeed a factor. So is people trying to scare the geese by, well, clapping, waring alligator hats, using dog silhouette decoys, big eyeball balloons, lasers,  too little to no effect. Geese know what is real.

You should know that the amount of grass you have, how tasty it is, how much water is nearby if you can herd the geese out of the water once they leave land if there are real predators about, like fox and coyote all factor in as well. Also, you should know, there are resident geese and migratory geese. Most people don’t know this. But at some point in the 1960s, the wild Canadian Geese almost went extinct, no really. You should think, the Passenger Pigeon when I say this, that went extinct after their numbers were seemingly so plentiful. So, the US Government introduced wild Canadian Geese to different areas. But, guess what? these geese did not and do not migrate. Now that there is less hunting the migratory geese have recovered but the resident geese stay put. These local geese hang around as long as they can into Winter moving just far enough, sometimes by a few miles, in the deep Winter.

So, I don’t think there is a pat answer to dealing with wildlife, especially if we want to be respectful. Humans have been living with wildlife for a long long time. Our modern ways will not conquer or suppress nature if we kill one species another will take its place. Though we will be the pooer for wildlife extinctions, even the pesky ones.  Let’s only hope that there are enough wildlands for the wildlife to go and live in. I think that is only right and besides, it will affect your property. Sometimes the best solutions are ones that have been with us for a long long time. After all, relationships are important, if not the key. We can live with wildlife and have our properties the way we want them if we adjust and think about how all this works together. I think you know as well as I, those easy solutions can often backfire.

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