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How Many Wild Geese is Too Many for Border Collies?

We have worked with hundreds of geese with our Border Collies and gotten them to leave properties. So the number of geese is not the difficulty factor, the situation is what matters. Border Collies and other herding breeds like Kelpies can work with large groups of sheep, in the hundreds, cattle, poultry and the same goes for geese. However working with just a few pair of geese which want to nest on a property can be more complicated than hazing flocks of geese, large or small.

The real question is how many geese are too many for the property owner. Wild Geese, like deer, can get used to human activity and development. Actually more and more species of wildlife are getting used to the growing human population. We are seeing Loons up close on lakes, ponds, and rivers these days. Loons have been a very reclusive bird most often heard not seen, but that seems to be changing. Bear and Coyote are now part of suburban and urban life these days as well. Recent studies have shown that a good part of urban Cyotee diet is indeed peoples’ pets. This said it is crucial to make wise choices on how we live with wildlife. Coyotes now play an essential role here in the East in Nature but ask any farmer who has lost sheep, chickens, and lambs to predators, including bear, yes, bear and so living with wildlife becomes more complicated

How many geese are too many depends on the property owners’ perseption. And do you hunt, haze or leave wildlife alone that may be impacting a property in numbers eating plantings or encroaching on buildings, bird feeders, garbage or even entering buildings. We have helped two commercial properties were geese where nesting right at doorways of buildings. The nesting geese were not allowing people to enter or exit the building once their nests were established. We also work with one commercial client were geese had nested in the parking lot and chased people as they walked to their offices, actually causing horrible injury to one person.

Property owners and or their managers have a vast difference of opinion of how many wild geese is too much. Golf courses do not want any geese if it can be helped, parks may have more of a tolerance. However, when geese poo covers basketball courts, the running track and fields, and playgrounds, schools may well have seen a red line crossed. It seems that sometimes not understanding that there is a solution is actually the problem, for goose overpopulation. Of course, the human-made controversy impeeds action sometimes.

Hunting or netting the geese, of course, is an issue with many people. Decoys of dogs and coyotes and fences can be used, but their effectiveness is limited. Hazing the wild geese with Border Collies is very effective. Some breeds of dogs really cannot make an impression, let alone have the discipline to work safely. Border Collies and other herding breeds can be an issue if not handled by a practiced and knowledgable hander.

In the end, it is individual decisions that decide, guided by government regulation and at times, tempered by social perspective. I hope that a wise decision will be concluded in each situation.  We are also ready to advise along with offering our services. Hazing wildlife can lead to very good results if done with proper knowledge behind it. Wild Goose Control with Border Collies is a great way to solve this issue. Our Border Collies, Skye, Jim, Blade, Tara, Moses and mix breed Nash, would love to help you.

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